We have granted 90,000 wishes and counting

Make-A-Wish Foundation of India is a non-profit organization (registered as a Trust) that grants life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, between the ages of 3-18 years.
The wish experience is an integral part of a child’s treatment journey. Research shows children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness.
Our Impact
so far

Wishes to have
To have a bicycle, a mobile, a dollhouse, a study table. These wishes are often connected to special memories. For example, a wish child might wish to have a laptop to attend online school.

Wishes to be
To be a chef, a princess, a police officer. A wish child might wish to be a chef in a 5-star hotel and cook for his family. They let children explore the depths of their imagination, when they wish and pretend to be someone for a day.

Wishes to go
To go to a destination like Goa, or for a sporting event or a theme park, or a local zoo. These wishes bring wish children so much joy. For eg, a wish child might want to attend a Cricket World Cup match.

Wishes to meet
To meet a celebrity, a famous sportsman or even a role model such as a police commissioner or a singer. Meeting such a person can foster hope and this hope can bring about a positive change in their emotional health.